
JSO as a leader in waste management has one of the largest client bases in the country. JSO's core businesses include:

Municipal Services

  • Integrated Waste Management

We use of a variety of practices to handle solid waste safely and effectively.


  • Refuse Collection

Domestic waste is collected weekly from residents using black sacks or communal bins.


  • Street Cleaning

We sweep roads and footpaths helping to keep the environment clean.


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Reusing and recycling waste reduces waste buried in landfill, lowers waste disposal costs and helps reduce our carbon footprint.


  • Source Segregation (to international standards)

JSO is working towards promoting recycling and source segregation of recyclable materials from general waste.


  • Organic Composting

We are aiming to operate compost plants throughout the country.


  • Effluent Remediation

We provide specialised services in the reduction or removal of contaminant concentrations in discharged waste water from any industrial or domestic process or from sewage waters.


Hazardous Waste

Hazardous waste poses particular risks to health and the environment so it is especially important to us that they are managed properly. Hazardous waste includes many everyday items, batteries, aerosols, fluorescent light bulbs, old style TV’s and computer monitors, waste oils and oily rags, paints, garden chemicals, and electrical equipment. All industries generate some form of hazardous waste, it is not all produced by large chemical manufacturers or oil refineries. Smaller companies like car repair garages, dry cleaners, even offices and shops all produce some form of hazardous waste. JSO has specialised containers and operates a collection service for the safe removal, transportation and disposal of hazardous waste materials including clinical waste. Various sizes and selection of containers are dependent on the hazardous nature of the waste.


  • Duty of Care

When waste is disposed of it may pass through the hands of several people, including: the waste producer, waste carrier, waste disposer and also possibly an agent.


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